Sharing What’s True to You
Speaking from the Heart
I started out the year with the intention to end January with 90 videos on Tender Co’s TikTok. I sat in a coffee shop, brainstormed a giant list of topics to talk about, and began my quest.
Within a few days, I had a video go viral. It was about a method that Jed and I have adopted when moving through conflict or tension. We came up with these sentences on our own one day on a walk last year and it became an incredibly effective way for us to diffuse the feeling of stress when in disagreement.
The next day, it happened again with this video. To watch the numbers go up and up was something I have never experienced before! My nervous system was a little rattled, and yet, I had set out with this intention and it was happening.
One of my biggest takeaways from being on social media for the past several years is this: whatever is truest to you, will resonate with others. (And if you want to connect with others—be ready for it to happen!)
Whether offline or online, let this be your reminder to share and be whatever feels most aligned and true for you.
Last Monday’s message: Boundaries! A forever lesson in adjusting, shifting, opening, creating.
One Thing to Try Today
As always, I am offering lots of free coaching content on both our IG and TikTok. If you find yourself looking for daily tips or ideas to ponder, be sure to check out those channels!
Here’s something to ask yourself today:
Next time you have a strong emotional reaction to something a friend, partner or family member says, ask yourself this:
What am I making this mean?
Asking this question almost always clarifies where there might be a misunderstanding, longing or need to be filled. As one of my oracle deck cards says, is there a part of us that “longs to be witnessed”?
Three Things
LOVED this podcast on codependency. Don’t be intimidated by that word- this is a great podcast for anyone who is highly attuned to the experiences and emotions of others. Thank you to my client for sending it along!
This is my #1 book recommendation for anyone looking to turn inward, cultivate peace within self and life, and ease into impermanence.
This (very long) song for evening winding down or laying on an acupressure mat (Jed’s favorite)