Decide + Surrender
Maybe you want to love your body more, or reframe your fears around money, or call in your dream partner. Maybe you’ve noticed you’re down on yourself about work accomplishments, friendships or lack of motivation. So, the thought strikes: I'm going to love myself more! I'm going to be more vulnerable! I'm going to be a person who makes more money!
Integrate + Liberate
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “what we don’t own, owns us”. What this is referring to is what we call the shadow. The shadow is the part(s) of us that we aren’t always proud of– we are more likely to be critical and ashamed of them.
Remembering What We Know
As I was struggling to think of the “perfect” thing to write about, I was reminded of this: what we know requires no explanation. Who we are, simply vibrates, and is.